Insert an image

While editing your post, you can click the Media icon from the toolbar.

This will trigger the opening of the classic WordPress media library manager:


Then as usual you can upload an image and press the Insert into post button to add the media to your blog post:


Here is a typical default markdown code that will be generated:


Adding a caption

By default the Alt text attribute and the Caption attribute will be used for the markup. If the Alt Text attribute is not filled, then the default Title value will be used as a fallback for the img tag’s attribute . Please note that images are automatically wrapped within a figure tag. If the caption is specificied, then a figcaption tag will be added inside the figure tag.


Image selected in the media library



![American Retro Car Headlights -- Two sets of two round headlights on this retro car](/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/A02842B5-B46E-41BA-B301-6F634A97A9D4_1_105_c.jpeg){.alignnone}


American Retro Car Headlights
Two sets of two round headlights on this retro car
Please note that this feature was implemented as a custom version, markdown by default does not support figure, figcaption or any advanced markup option for media. The title/alt value joined as a double hyphen “–” with the caption value attached to the media will be set as the text version value for the related markdown code